The Art of Sharpening Pencils
My 1st week of realizing Maktub.
Everyday I stand at the back of the train operator
and watching the railway track,
as the train moves it maintains a speed of 60 kph
and 20kph before stopping in a station
whispering that I am on the right track.
Day 1
Finally I am on the same crowd.
Freedom and expression
Day 2
Value of Time
Ist day of unsharpened pencil
Day 3
All artist dream in colors
Not all people can define colors
There will be no color if there is no Light
Day 4
Its freehand but you must know
The Art of Sharpening Pencils
When we were still young,
one of the easiest task to do is to sharpen a pencil.
You just need a pencil sharpener,
twist the wood and lead into the blade,
twist more till the lead is pointed
you got a sharpened pencil.
Today, I found myself struggling to sharpen a pencil.
You need to be equipped with a lot of things.
You need a cutter knife, a pencil pointer,
a scratch paper and tissue for your mess.
You need to have a standard,
for the length of lead (1/2 ") and wood exposed.
The lead should not be deadly
and crooked cause it may easily break,
The wood should not have rough edges
and should be tapered smoothly.
You need to have control, angle and a steady hand.
You need to have patience and discipline.
You need to test it before using.
To have a a perfectly sharpened pencil.
This is for your pencil be efficient and effective
and be able to perform well
and realize the vision you are tasked to.
As I practice the Art of Sharpening Pencils
I felt like a Pencil being sharpened.
My 1st week of realizing Maktub.
Everyday I stand at the back of the train operator
and watching the railway track,
as the train moves it maintains a speed of 60 kph
and 20kph before stopping in a station
whispering that I am on the right track.
Day 1
Finally I am on the same crowd.
Freedom and expression
Day 2
Value of Time
Ist day of unsharpened pencil
Day 3
All artist dream in colors
Not all people can define colors
There will be no color if there is no Light
Day 4
Its freehand but you must know
The Art of Sharpening Pencils
When we were still young,
one of the easiest task to do is to sharpen a pencil.
You just need a pencil sharpener,
twist the wood and lead into the blade,
twist more till the lead is pointed
you got a sharpened pencil.
Today, I found myself struggling to sharpen a pencil.
You need to be equipped with a lot of things.
You need a cutter knife, a pencil pointer,
a scratch paper and tissue for your mess.
You need to have a standard,
for the length of lead (1/2 ") and wood exposed.
The lead should not be deadly
and crooked cause it may easily break,
The wood should not have rough edges
and should be tapered smoothly.
You need to have control, angle and a steady hand.
You need to have patience and discipline.
You need to test it before using.
To have a a perfectly sharpened pencil.
This is for your pencil be efficient and effective
and be able to perform well
and realize the vision you are tasked to.
As I practice the Art of Sharpening Pencils
I felt like a Pencil being sharpened.
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